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Bold and Blended – Chunky Roman Caps with Belgian Bister Inks taught by Amity Parks [FILLED]

Bold and Blended –Chunky Roman Caps with Belgian Bister Inks

Instructor: Amity Parks

This class will be spent learning a broad edged pen version of a chunky Roman capital alphabet. This fun and bold hand has a more casual and contemporary look than its more formal cousins. We’ll practice the pen manipulation that allows for dynamic stroke transitions. The boldness of this lettering style creates lovely textures and white spaces. Once we’ve learned the alphabet, we’ll add some color. This hand lends itself to fun color blending when spaced tightly, as the bold stokes stay wet and allow for bleeding from one letter to another. We’ll play with a powdered ink called Bister from Belgium to get some gorgeous and transparent color effects with our lettering. Finally, we’ll get out our pencils and add some graphite effects to our lettering to really make it pop.

This class is currently filled, but you can join the waitlist by filling out the contact us form.

April 26

Creating Mono Prints - Mark Making and Gelli Printing