Programs (3rd Saturday of each month—September–May)
Major and Mini Workshops
Note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, dates may change.

Let’s Space Out
Let’s Space Out
Presented by Kate Van Dyke
Let's take a little time to look at what isn't there–the negative space, the white paper around the black ink, the silence between the notes.
Broad-edge pen, paper & ink
Exemplar of any broad-edge hand you want to work with and guidelines for it
Love beads & bell bottoms optional, but welcome! Kate will bring tracing paper.

Gothicized Italian Script with Luis Pena
Gothicized Italian Script with Luis Peña
Luis P. presented Gothicized Italic Script at our February program. Members learned the fundamentals of this style, with its unique flourishes and forms. Luis also focused on the minuscule letters, from ‘a’ to ‘z’, sharing the basic skills needed to create this beautiful hand.

Project Penway | February 2025
Project Penway February 2025
We meet around 12:30 after monthly meeting
Choose a text about beauty or art or creativity and make a piece that is as ORNATE as you can make it. Ornaments include:
Medieval decoration – vinework, filigree, etc
Celtic decoration
Pointed pen ornaments
Art nouveau or art deco ornament
Gothic ornament
Any modern decoration you choose
Decorate inside or around the letters and/or make the letters themselves ornamental. You are writing a whole text, not just one letter, so make the whole piece ornate. Don't be afraid of going crazy with it.

Valentine Colag-raphy
Valentine Colag-raphy
Presented by Debbie L.
Guild members listened as Debbie L. showed examples of collage and mixed media. She had samples of paper that included mark making art and calligraphy. Lots of designing, cutting, gluing and formatting made for a nice way to start off the new year.

Embossing on Paper and Making Stencils
Embossing on Paper and Making Stencils
Attendees learned to create stencils that can be used again and again. They learned to use hand lettering and embossing skills to transform calligraphy art. Adding an embossed initial or word gives your calligraphy art a new look.

Holiday Social and Card Exchange
Holiday Social and Card Exchange
Guild members enjoyed visiting with each other and sharing their plans for the holidays on this cold December day. The refreshment team decorated tables with holiday decor. You can tell by the photos, we enjoy our lettering buddies who share our love of calligraphy and art.
Those who chose to, participated in the annual handmade holiday card exchange. If you brought a card to the meeting—then you took home a card. Cards were placed into unmarked, generic envelopes to “hide” the identity of our calligraphers and artists. We drew names and members chose an envelope. View some of the cards exchanged under the tab—Gallery—on our website. And view photos of the 2024 December social under the tab—About Us.

Project Penway
Project Penway
Project Penway, now in its second year, is a calligraphy journey choreographed by Kate (KVD). The group receives a monthly challenge and has a month to design images with words that connect to the challenge. Members reveal their creative solutions and talk about how they got there. This group meets after the CCS meeting, at about 12:15, for about 1 to 1½ hours. Camaraderie develops as the program progresses. Contact Kate to get on the email list for challenges beginning in September.